Providers pay their vendors for their EHR (Electronic Health Record).
Supports both uni-directional and bi-directional interface.
Run Vaccine Coverage Rate Report and compare your practice against others by County and State.
Use Vaccine Forecaster to ensure the best medical decision.
Print only ADPH approved Certificate of Immunization.
If you are a healthcare provider, school, child care center, or pharmacy and want to enroll, please choose this link if you have questions: ImmPRINT Enrollment Benefits Immunization Patient Registry with Integrated Technology (ImmPRINT) is a statewide population-based information system for all children born in Alabama since Januand adults. All three brands of Covid-19 vaccines are recommended as booster shots for all patients 18 years of age and older. An additional/third dose of Pfizer is now recommended for individuals with moderately to severely compromised immune systems such as patients who have been receiving cancer treatments of the blood or organ recipients who are taking immunosuppressants. Please contact your Immunization Compliance Team for storage and handling requirements for the new pediatric dose. There is no need to do a new Covid-19 enrollment, existing Covid-19 enrollments will cover the new pediatric dose as well. This new dose can be found on the order/reorder page of the Vaccine Ordering Management System (VOMS) within ImmPRINT. A pediatric dose is now available by Pfizer for children aged 5-11. All Covid-19 enrolled providers can now order adult and pediatric doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.